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Recording: Understanding Executive Functioning (Community Gathering March 2024)

  • 3 Steps


This is the recording of the Community Gathering held last March 15, 2024 on "Understanding Executive Functioning". According to Barkley, executive functioning involves two higher-order factors comprised of multiple lower-order domain skills: inhibition (e.g., ability to inhibit motor, verbal, cognitive, and emotional responses) and metacognition (e.g., nonverbal working memory, verbal working memory, planning, problem-solving, emotional self-regulation). (Research paper: “Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS): Validation in a large multisite college sample). This session was facilitated by Saskia Wenniger, co-founder Neurodiversity Education Academy and ADHD coach for Brilliantly Diverse. You can download the slides from this presentation and check out other videos in

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